Natural Treatments that Will Help You Remove Bunions

Bunions and any other foot issues can easily affect your daily schedule and your entire mood. Bunions are those bony bumps that develop near your big toes. As if this wasn’t enough, bunions can often come with inflamed skin, thick skin, calluses, or severe foot pain.

remedies for bunions

So, having such a problem can affect your whole life. Bunions can be removed through surgery, but this procedure is quite pricey. On the other hand, you can try some cheaper and natural remedies since there are so many available.


These kind of exercises are good to reduce the discomfort caused by bunions. You basically need to put an elastic band around your big toes, move your feet outward and stay like that for 1 minute. After a minute of relaxation, you can repeat the exercise. You can stop after 15 minutes, and the best is to repeat this exercise 2 or 3 times per day.

A cold compress

Chances are that after standing for many hours, the bunion will start hurting. This being the case, a cold compress is a very good idea, since the low temperature will offer instant relief.

Epsom salt bath

This is another useful method to soothe your irritated feet. You just have to add 2-3 tablespoons of this precious salt in a tub, add some warm water and soak your feet in there between 15 and 20 minutes.


A massage is always a good idea, and of course that massaging your painful bunions will do you nothing but good. Don’t forget to use some warm oil massage, and perform the massage for about 10 minutes.

Use turmeric

This is also a great remedy for bunions. Blend some turmeric (one teaspoon) in lukewarm water (one glass) and consume the solution two times a day.

Chamomile tea

Another remedy is chamomile. You basically have to prepare yourself a cup of chamomile tea and consume it twice or thrice daily.


Acupuncture is used for a lot of health problems, and bunions represent one of them. Even if it will not get you rid of this issue forever, it can reduce the pain caused by them

Cayenne pepper treatment

For this remedy, you can use petroleum jelly. Apply it on the bunion and add some powdered cayenne pepper on top. Keep on for a few minutes. It will help you get rid of the pain.

Calendula remedy

This plant can also help you minimize the discomfort, inflammation and pain triggered by bunions. You can use some crushed calendula leaves (make sure they’re fresh) and  extract their juice. Put it on the affected area and let on until it’s dry. Repeat a couple of times a day.

Don’t wear tight shoes

Last but not least, wearing the right shoes will always be the best idea, since of the main reasons bunions are formed is because you are wearing shoes that are not fit for you.

So, bunions can also cause you headaches, not only feet pain, because they can affect your daily life.  So, it is better for you to try one of these invasive treatments before going to the surgeon. Who knows, maybe they will do you so much good that you might never need that intervention after all.

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