The Effects of Stress on the Mind and Body
A stressful environment or situation can influence our way of thinking, our emotions, and even our physical health. The symptoms can be similar to an illness and usually it’s hard to make the difference between them.
The fact that stress may lead to disease and that the mind meets halfway with the body is still not fully proven by research. Yet, stress has a physical effect on the organism.
Psychologist Neal Miller showed through trials that with proper training, we could learn to control certain aspects like our blood pressure, headaches, urinary incontinence or anxiety. These experiments lead to the discovery of the biofeedback.
Even though medicine isn’t evolved enough to figure out how or what aspects of the body can be controlled by the mind, we should pay more attention to the effects that stress or an emotional state could have on ourselves. Here are some signs:
- Pain located in the hands
May be a symptom of a singular and not so sociable life. It would be a good idea to try and expand your social life by making new friends or paying more attention to your family.
- Stiffness of the arms
Rigid moves of the arms, especially in the elbow area suggest that you are fighting a change in your life. Learn to compromise, be more malleable and accept that not everything can be postponed or denied.
- Problems with the hips
Due to the fact that any leg movement starts from the hip, a pain in this area signifies a resistance toward moving forward in your life. Don’t be afraid to make a decision and be open to change!
- Soreness in the knees
Joint pain should remind you that you have to take a step back and be more aware of other people’s needs. Focus your attention on volunteering or helping someone, then on yourself.
- Headaches
They are a clear sign of a troubled mind and stress. Even though problems won’t disappear, take some distance and make an effort to relax.
- Neck discomfort
A constant neck pain is a hint that you aren’t yet able to forgive someone, or yourself. Don’t dwell on the negative emotions and focus on the positive aspects.
- Shoulder pain
Stop worrying about every little thing and find someone with whom you can share your problems. Let go of some emotional baggage.
- A present upper back ache
The absence of emotional support may manifest trough upper back pain. Reach out to your friends, family or loved one.
- Lower back troubles
Usually, the location of this type of pain suggests financial problems that bother you. Plan ahead your finances or ask for a raise.
Other physical symptoms related to stress may include insomnia, nausea, chest pain, a low energy level, frequent colds, a dry mouth, a clenched jaw, shaking, constipation, muscle tension and so on.
Stress can lead to illnesses, loss of appetite, high blood pressure or even depression. Pay attention to what your organism is trying to tell you and get some help!