Crohn’s Disease – Symptoms and Treatment

Crohn’s disease is a chronic health condition characterized by the inflammation of the intestinal tract. The inflammation and irritation occur most commonly in the lower portion of the small intestine. However, other sections might be affected.

crohn's disease information

Most of the times, the staging point of this disease is often overlooked, as the symptoms associated to it appear only later on. After this stage of remission, severe symptoms occur to those suffering from this chronic disease.

Symptoms of Crohn’s Disease

The most frequent symptoms linked to this intestinal condition are:

  • Stomach disturbing pain
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Unprecedented weight loss
  • Anal fissures
  • The presence of blood and mucus in the stool

People suffering from the condition might suffer from all the enumerated-above symptoms, and a handful of other less common signs, including:

  • Inflammation of skin
  • Eye redness
  • Joint soreness
  • Perianal disease
  • Mouth sores

What Causes Crohn’s Disease?

It is yet to be established the exact reasons triggering the appearance of this chronic condition. Nonetheless, it is assumed by specialists that it could be an unfortunate mix of certain of factors, such as:

  • Smoking on a regular basis
  • Environmental factors
  • Improper functioning of the immune system
  • The existence of a previous infection
  • Genetics
  • Dietary aspects

Treatment for Crohn’s Disease

At the moment, there’s no available treatment for curing Crohn’s disease. Nonetheless, there are a range of drug-based medications which aim at diminishing the severity linked to the symptoms or at least preserving remissions.

The reduction of the inflammation can be achieved through treatment administration. It can also enhance the long-term diagnosis by diminishing possible aggravations.

Immune system suppressors aim at decreasing the inflammation whilst determining your immune system to produce substance-causing inflammation. Sometimes, a combination of drugs works best for those suffering of this chronic condition.

There are certain cases in which surgery is the best option, thus the affected portion of the intestine is detached, and the healthy portions are joined together. Nonetheless, surgery does not cure Crohn’s disease.

Appropriate Diet

Maintaining an appropriate diet is highly important for those suffering from Crohn’s disease. Especially after going through surgery, in order for your body to recover correspondingly, it is vital paying increased attention to your diet. You should know that there are a range of ingredients you should steer clear of, as well as some foods which are considered to be beneficial.

  • Consider a low in fiber diet – as it is hard to digest, in order to diminish the possible outcome of intestinal blockage accompanied by abdominal pain.
  • Steer clear of spices, fatty foods, dairy products and alcohol – consuming these ingredients will lead to bothersome, painful symptoms. Keeping a food diary might be a good idea in order to pinpoint your body’s reactions to certain foods.
  • Opt for foods rich in omega-three fatty acids, as they embody powerful anti-inflammatory functions that are beneficial for people suffering from Crohn’s disease.

3 commments

  1. IMO anything about essential oils is fab who agrees?

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