Sage Wine with Cinnamon and Ginger – Recipe for Anxiety and Depression

This medicinal wine recipe has a Tibetan origin and is made of plants that are useful in curing nervous disorders such as unjustified anxiety and fear, insomnia caused by nervous restlessness or depression. The ingredients used for this recipe, including cloves and cinnamon, have been highly promoted by Hildegard von Bingen, the healing nun. She strongly believed that these substances can wipe off the negative emotions and feelings, the mental exhaustion or sadness.

Sage Wine with Cinnamon and Ginger – Recipe for Anxiety and Depression

Antidepressant Wine

This miraculous wine is extremely beneficial for those who suffer from depression and anxiety. Let’s see how it’s made.


– 2 tablespoons of sage leaves

– 1 small piece of angelica root

– 1 pinch of cinnamon

– 1 pinch on ginger powder

– 1 pinch of clove powder

– 1 liter of boiling water

– 1 liter of red wine


First of all, you will need to use a large pot to boil the water. After the first boil, you can add the sage leaves. Let the mixture infuse and steep for 10 minutes. Strain the liquid and add the angelica root and the spices (cloves, ginger and cinnamon). Finally, you can add the red wine. Cover the pot and let the entire mixture infuse for about one hour.

Strain the infusion using a double gauze or cheesecloth or a fine strainer. The mixture that you have obtained through this process must be preserved in glass bottles tightly closed. Keep them in the cellar or the fridge.

Whenever you feel anxious, restless, nervous or depressive, you must drink half a glass of this sage wine. Consume it in the morning, about 15 – 20 minutes before taking your breakfast.

Basil is also extremely efficient in reducing the restlesness and the depressive moments. So, for this, you can chew green basil leaves or you can add them in your salads or dishes. Your food will have a more pleasant and special aroma and your nervous system will also benefit from this powerful herb. If you don’t want to add this spice to your dishes, you can try drinking basil tea. It has been used since the ancient times as an efficient antidepressant drink. Add 2 teaspoons of dried basil leaves to one cup of boiling water. Let the tea steep for 10 minutes, then strain it and drink it warm.

Irrespective of what remedy you use, make sure that you treat your depression and anxiety as soon as you notice the first worrying signals. Treat them like any other disease and don’t let them knock you down.

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