Ointment for Hemorrhoids, Sinusitis and Bronchitis (3-Ingredient Recipe)
This is a wonderful ointment because it’s easy to prepare and it only has 3 natural ingredients. Its effects are miraculous when it comes to treating hemorrhoids. Besides this, this amazing ointment is helpful with other health problems too. After you’ll see the list of ingredients, you will certainly want to prepare it and try it.
Homemade Ointment – Recipe
This is an extremely versatile recipe. Although you might think that the ingredients it contains are commonplace, this ointment is indeed an extremely efficient treatment for the painful hemorrhoids, burns, sinusitis and bronchitis.
– 1 egg yolk
– 400 ml olive oil
– 600 g beeswax
Put the olive oil in a pot and add the beeswax. Let them melt on low heat, mixing continuously. When the liquid starts boiling, you can add the egg yolk. Once it starts frothing, you can turn off the heat. When the mixture has cooled down a little bit, you can turn the heat on again and mix thoroughly until it becomes light brown.
When it becomes cold, strain the liquid through a piece of gauze in a glass jar. Close the lid tightly and put it in the fridge. This ointment can be kept in the fridge for about 10 months.
How to Use It
To treat hemorrhoids and burns, apply a layer of this ointment on the affected areas. Do this several times per day.
For sinusitis, melt a little bit of the ointment and put 2 drops in each nostril. It will efficiently stop the sinuses inflammation and will absorb the pus.
To treat bronchitis, take ½ teaspoon of this ointment internally. Do this 3 times per day, before mealtimes.
So, as you can see this amazing natural ointment is extremely simple to prepare and it’s helpful for a wide array of conditions and diseases.