Incredible Ingredient That Diminishes the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease

That cliché expression – an apple a day keeps the doctor away – is still true. According to new research studies, having apple juice three times a week can diminish the risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 75 percent.

apple juice for alzheimer's

Neurobiologist Dr. Thomas Shea, together with his research team from the University of Massachusetts, conducted a broad range of studies on the effects of apple consumption on the brain. For starters, they used mice, test tubes, and Petri dishes for years, and their findings were topped by a human clinical trial.

21 patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease participated in this study, aged between 72 to 93 years old. The improvements in memory functions were notable, the patients being able to cope with negative emotions significantly better.

Dr. Shea’s conclusion was that apple juice could help diminish the risks of Alzheimer’s disease, while having other notable benefits as well. According to other studies developed on animals, apples have aimed at protecting the heart, while diminishing inflammation and increasing lipid metabolism.

Additionally, for reversing the symptoms accompanied by Alzheimer’s disease, administering cold-pressed coconut oil is an excellent practice, according to new research. In the same respect, orthomolecular doctors recommend administering mineral and vitamin supplements, which have a beneficial impact on the functions of the brain.

When it comes to the useful property of apples, there was a study underwent by Dr. Bahram Arjmandi and included a group of women aged between 45 and 65. The result was that a diet rich in apples diminishes LDL by 23 percent, in a time interval of six months. Additionally, on an average, those women lost three pounds. It appears that the all-time expression an apple a day keeps the doctor away is a golden truth, right?

Making Apple Juice at Home

Did you know that conventionally grown apples typically contain a significant amount of harmful pesticides? That’s why it’s highly recommended to purchase only organic apples.

However, some orchard apples may not be sprayed with toxic pesticide, but still, may not have a certificate for producing organic fruits. This is often determined by the time and money needed to obtain approval. On that account, locally grown apples can be a less costly alternative to organic fruits, which may sting your budget a bit.

Also, as a healthy option for the commercial apple juice, we propose to you another alternative, which is healthy and good for you! Unfiltered, organic apple juice is, by far, a healthier choice, and you can prepare it at home.

For best results, you should use a slow speed masticating juicer. You can opt for a double auger, or a single auger–masticating screw. Ideally, you should browse for various types of juicers, and establish which one will work for you best.

Remember, it’s important not to peel the apples. Cutting them into small pieces is enough, you needn’t remove the seeds and core. For an increased anti-inflammatory protection, add some peeled ginger, or a freshly squeezed lemon. It’s recommended to have this juice three times a week.

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