Horseradish Uses (Natural Recipes)

Horseradish is, with good reason, one of the greatest plants used by the alternative medicine. It does not only treat diseases, but it also strengthens the immunity. The horseradish root is one of the most natural medicines, and it has been mentioned and used more than 2,000 year ago by Pliny the Elder. The greatest Renaissance physician, Dodoens, has also used this amazing plant.

Horseradish Uses (Natural Recipes)

Horseradish is used to treat infections, fluid retention, bronchitis, pneumonia, achy joints, gallbladder disorders, sciatic nerve pain, gout, colic, intestinal worms in children, sinusitis or muscle pains.

Horseradish Prevents Cancer

Similar to the other plants in the cruciferous family (cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower and mustard), horseradish also contains phytonutrients, namely glucosinolates, that help the liver eliminate the excessive estrogen and carcinogens. Besides this effect, horseradish can also suppress the tumor growth.

These proprieties have been analyzed in numerous studies performed on cabbage and broccoli. However, horseradish has 10 times more glucosinolates than these vegetables. The researchers at the University of Illinois discovered that the high levels of glucosinolates in the horseradish will help the body prevent and combat cancer.

Horseradish Medicinal Recipes

Horseradish can be eaten raw, grated, or mixed with grated beetroot, vinegar, oil and salt. This salad is very good during the winter, because it significantly reduces cough, fights against bacteria and heals rheumatic pains. If it’s used in large doses, it has a stimulating effect; used in excess, horseradish becomes too stimulating and irritating for stomach, kidneys and nervous system. This vegetable should be consumed or used grated, because during the grating process, the healing substances are released.

Horseradish Tea

Let 15-20 grams of grated horseradish soak in 1 liter of water. Let them infuse for 12 hours (overnight). Next morning, warm the mixture, strain it and drink 2 cups a day.

Tonic and Anti-Anemic Wine

Let 30 grams of grated horseradish soak in one liter of wine for 24 hours. Filter the solution and drink 50 ml before meals.

Horseradish Syrup for Children Lacking Appetite or with Anemia and Lymph Nodes

Cut the horseradish root in thin slices and mix them in a jar with honey or sugar. Let the mixture soak overnight. Children should take 1 tablespoon of this juice per day.

Horseradish and Milk for Rheumatism

Let 2 spoons of grated horseradish soak in 500 ml of milk for 2 hours. Drink the solution every morning.

Horseradish and Honey for Heart Diseases

Mix one spoon of grated horseradish with one spoon of honey. Take one spoon of the mixture every morning, an hour before eating breakfast. This cure lasts for 30 days. After 2- month-break, you can use it again. Don’t use it more than 4 times annually for 3 consecutive years. It is particularly recommended for the patients suffering from painful ischemic cardiomyopathy, angina pectoris and high blood pressure.

Horseradish Poultice for Respiratory Disorders

Grate one horseradish root and cover it with a gauze cloth. Apply it on the thorax in case of severe bronchitis, flu, pneumonia or pulmonary congestion or on the forehead to heal sinusitis.

Horseradish Flour Baths for Rheumatism and Joint Inflammation

Grate a couple of horseradish roots, let them dry and then grind them in the coffee grinder until you obtain a fine powder. Use 1 tablespoon of the powder for one liter of water. Put the horseradish flour in a gauze bag and let it soak in the hot bath water. Stir the water. The bath should last for 20-30 minutes.

Horseradish Tincture for Rheumatism and Intercostal Neuralgia

Let 20 grams of horseradish soak in 100 ml of alcohol for 14 days. After that, strain it and massage the painful parts of the body.

Periodontitis Remedy

Those suffering from periodontitis are advised to chew a piece of horseradish root every day.

Antiseptic Horseradish Mouthwash

This recipe is prepared using horseradish leaves. Let 20 grams of the plant soak in 100 ml of alcohol for 10 days and then strain it. Dilute with water and use it as a regular mouthwash.


Those who suffer from hypothyroidism, gastrointestinal diseases, hemorrhoids, peptic ulcers, duodenal ulcer or renal diseases must avoid consuming horseradish. This plant should also be avoided during pregnancy and nursing.

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