Eliminate More Than 1000 Liver Stones in One Day

A liver cleanse is something everyone should perform every now and then, since it is the best way to eliminate toxins from the body. Toxic products that promise to take care of our health, environmental pollution and processed foods, have a great influence on the way our bodies behave. The liver is the one organ that works continuously to release toxins from our blood, to decay hormones, store vitamins, iron and to produce the bile so much needed in the fat digestion.

one day liver detox

Many don’t know that almost everyone has liver stones. Some show symptoms such as allergies or even rashes, others don’t. Unfortunately, due to their non-calcified composition, liver stones cannot be displayed by the X-rays.

They are usually formed around dead bacteria and their existence explains why large amounts of cholesterol are trapped into the body and its levels are increased. A great amount of bacteria, viruses and parasites going straight into the liver are gathered in these stones, creating the perfect environment for emerging infections. Their core is made up of bacteria remains and their color can vary from red or white to darker colors and even black.

The following liver cleansing solution is not to be performed during pregnancy, nursing, or while you have a cold or any other critical disease. Here are the main ingredients:

  • The juice from a large grapefruit or 2 smaller ones
  • Half a cup of cold pressed olive oil
  • 4 tbsp. of unrefined Epsom salt

Do not take any medication during the cure, as they will affect it, and preferably, choose a day when you can relax. Eat low fat foods for breakfast like cereals, fruits, bread or honey and avoid any foods such as milk, butter or salt as they boost the pressure in the liver’s bile duct and may cause the formation of more stones.

Follow the next schedule:

2pm – Stop eating anything. Take a glass bottle and mix unrefined salt (4 teaspoons) and water (3 cups). Put the mixture into the fridge. It will improve its taste.

6 pm – Drink a quarter of the previously prepared beverage.

8 pm – Drink the next quarter. It’s important to take the doses on time. By now, you won’t be hungry.

9:45 pm – First, go to the bathroom first. Take a jar with a lid and pour the grapefruit juice and cold pressed olive oil (once cup). Start mixing until the consistency is smooth.

10 pm – While standing, drink the juice. Then, go to bed and if you can’t sleep, take some valerian.

Lie down keeping your head raised on a pillow. You will probably feel the stones moving, but no pain, since the salt has done its job of opening the liver channels.

Take the dose after 6 am next morning, and if you feel any nausea, wait until you calm down. The last dose will be taken after 2 hours and after 2 more hours you can drink a fruit juice and a fruit half an hour later. One more hour and you can eat regular foods as long as they are kept light.

In the morning, you can experience diarrhea, when the stones will be eliminated. This treatment may be repeated after 2 weeks if the person is in full health.

This type of liver cleansing is extremely safe and it had been tested on 500 people over 70. It is more than 100 years old and scientists still don’t know its origin. A feeling of exhaustion might follow this cure, but it will only last for a day or two. Also, it is extremely important to maintain the given schedule. If you don’t do this, the cleansing treatment will be affected and your liver as well.

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