Calcium Deficiency and Bones Strengthening – Home Remedies and Recipes
You can boost your calcium intake and strengthen your bones by using one of the following recipes.
1. Egg and Lemon
The eggshell contains organic calcium that does not only treat hypocalcemia, but also boosts the immunity and nervous system and supports the growing process of the cells and tissues. Those who suffer from calcium deficiency can mix 2 grams of crushed or powdered eggshell with 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice. This type of calcium will be quickly assimilated by your body and will not produce gravel. Take the remedy in the evening, 1 or 2 hours before bedtime. To strengthen the bones, you must mix 2 raw eggs with the juice from one lemon and consume this solution in the morning, on an empty stomach. Take 3 or 4 times per week.
Another alternative would be to let one egg (with its shell) soak in a bowl with the fresh juice from 2 lemons. Leave it overnight. In the morning, you can remove the egg and drink the lemon juice on an empty stomach.
2. Pumpkin Oil
This is an excellent remedy for fixing the calcium in the organism. Drink every morning about 50 ml of pumpkin oil on an empty stomach. The pumpkin seeds are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids and they are a great source of calcium, magnesium, iron, proteins, vitamin A, vitamins B3, B2 and B1.
3. Carrot, Radish and Cabbage Juice
This recipe is recommended for those who suffer from calcium deficiency and for those who frequently have muscle soreness. Mix the juice from 1 black radish, 2 cabbage leaves and 3 carrots. Use the raw vegetables. Sip this natural juice once a day.
4. Clay
This remedy is a miracle for those who have fractures. First of all, you must reset the affected bone in its normal position and apply warm and thick poultices with clay (use yellow clay). Leave it on over the night. Use the poultices every day, until the bone has completely healed. If the fracture caused inflammations, you mjust use cold poultices. During this treatment, you must keep a diet with raw vegetables and fruits, honey and dairy products so as to boost your daily calcium intake and help the bones stitch.