Cabbage Ointment – Homemade Recipe

Cabbage has extraordinary healing properties, internally and externally. Crushing its leaves and then immediately applying them on the skin are known to be a traditional remedy for the fast and efficient relieving of rheumatic pain, reducing the swellings, healing any type of wounds, abscess, contortion and other damages that might interfere with the health of the skin.

homemade cabbage ointment

How to prepare the cabbage ointment

The first thing you should know is that you only have to prepare this recipe when you have a wound. Do not prepare a bigger quantity than the one you need, simply because the cabbage juice can easily lose its therapeutic effect.

Ingredients needed

  • 3 or 4 tbsp. of freshly squeezed cabbage juice
  • 5 grams of beeswax
  • 20 g of unsalted pig fat
  • 50 ml of olive oil
  • 1 tsp. of honey – this is an optional step

How to prepare it

In order to get the cabbage juice, you first need to use a blender or a juicer. After mixing the leaves, you should be able to manually squeeze the pasta that has been obtained.

Place the pig fat and the beeswax in a pot, using the bain-marie method. The fire should be slow and the ingredients should be left in there until they are completely melted. Stir constantly. When everything is melted, you can add the olive oil.

Take the pot away from the heating source and when it has completely cooled down, add the cabbage juice and the honey. Stir until you form a pasta. Take the final result and place it in a small jar, securely closed.

The honey can also be used as a scaring agent whenever there are some wounds, tumors or abscesses.

The cream is going to be applied directly on the skin, on the affected area. You can then massage it and tie the area securely using a piece of cloth or a bandage.

It can be used 2 or 3 times a day, letting it stay for 2 hours or it can also be left overnight.

When should this unguent be used?

This natural homemade recipe is extremely efficient and it should be used whenever one of the following conditions steps in:

  • Tumors
  • Circulation-related problems
  • Psoriasis
  • Ulcerations
  • Contortions, ligament ruptures, sprains
  • Frostbites
  • Rheumatism
  • Dry eczema
  • Varicose veins
  • External hemorrhoids
  • Arthritis

Remember to use this miracle ingredient every time you encounter a physical trauma. It should never miss from your kitchen shelf, nor from your list of options when dealing with a skin problem. Respect every single one of the steps that have been mentioned for a maximum amount of efficiency and you can also recommend it to those with whom you come in contact and might need it, at some point in their lives.

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