Nutrition – The Key to Curing Cancer

Information concerning cancer and its triggering factors has changed over the years. At first, cancer occurrence was associated with the environmental carcinogen or a certain type of radiation that leads to the mutation of the cells. That determines their growth in a group of mutated cells that are presumably diagnosed with cancer.

nutrition and cancer

This is the mutation theory associated with cancer occurrence. In this view, avoiding cancer equals steering clear of these particular triggering factors, such as smoking or increased sunlight exposure. Nonetheless, cancer still seems to become more common, and patients suffering from cancer have to undergo chemotherapy, surgery and radiation. The fact is that mutated cells cannot become healthy again.

A new report conducted in this particular domain wanted to indicate the reason certain tissues are more predisposed to becoming affected than others. Their conclusion was that tissues affected by cancer present a significantly increased rate of cell division.  Additionally, they concluded that lifestyle and environmental factors trigger only one-third of the mutations.

The study also indicated that regardless of the fact that cancer research is conducted on the roots of this particular mutation theory, there is evidence that proves that cancer can genuinely be predicted on some level.

The link between cancer and diet

Dr. T. Colin Campbell underwent thorough studies on laboratory rats observing the way in which cancer is not further developed by additional mutations. As a matter of fact, their conclusion was that cancer is triggered by a gene mutation that is determined by a detrimental, powerful chemical named aflatoxin. Thus, contrary to past discoveries, they observed that the development of the cancerous infection wasn’t further grown by mutations.

On the contrary, researchers discovered that the evolution of the disease was determined by an increase in protein intake in the diet, as this is a feature that characterizes most human diets. The evolution of the disease cannot be triggered by the rise of additional mutations, given the fact that the chemical that determined the mutation in the first place is no longer present.

Consequently, the study pinpointed that regardless of the fact that the triggering factor that initiates the cancerous infection is the mutation, the progression of the disease can be controlled by non-mutagenic mechanisms.

More about protein consumption

When the protein consumption was significantly decreased, the development of the disease was deterred. Thus, the conclusion of the study was that the evolution of cancer can genuinely be postponed, by adapting the affected body to a nutritional protocol that supports non-mutagenic compounds. Cancer development was increased by the consumption of animal protein. Animal protein was indicated to grow the hormone that contributed to the development of the disease while stopping the body’s healthy cells that aid in killing the affected cancerous cells. Apparently, inactive mutant cells that initiate the cancerous infection can remain inactive in a body that follows a diet low in animal protein. On the contrary, the cancerous cells are inclined to restart their detrimental activity when a diet rich in animal protein is restored.

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