Home Remedies for Calcium Deficiency

Calcium is one of the minerals that our body requires the most as it’s necessary for the strengthening and growth of teeth and bones. Despite this fact, there are numerous people suffering from calcium deficiency, no matter if they’re old, young or even in their childhood. This condition is often caused by the fact that your intestine and stomach doesn’t absorb well enough the nutrients or because you consume too few calcium rich foods. Liver disease, vitamin D deficiency and other conditions can also cause calcium problems.

Home Remedies for Calcium Deficiency

Calcium deficiency is manifested through yellowing of teeth, joint pains, brittle bones, kidney stones, muscle cramps and aches, dry skin, tooth decay, PMS and brittle nails. In severe cases, calcium deficiency can lead to infertility, cancer, common colds, chronic arthritis, allergies, low pH and heart disease.

You can avoid all these unwanted conditions by consuming calcium-rich foods as part of your daily diet.  Here are some of the most important.

Dairy Products

It is well-known that dairy products are the main calcium source, so they should not miss from your daily diet. Buttermilk, paneer, curds and, of course, milk are the main sources of calcium and you can consume them per se or cooked. If you are intolerant to dairy products or simply don’t like them, you can try other altrenatives.


Soybeans together with all its adjacent products such as tofu, soya milk and soya flour are not only rich in calcium, but also in proteins. If you suffer from calcium deficiency, you can consume up to ½ cup of soybeans daily. So as to make them tastier, you can consume them as chapatis or gravy.

Green Leafy Vegetables

Fenugreek, celery, lettuce and spinach contain lots of calcium and you are allowed to consume them as often as you wish. Use them in salads, to benefit from their natural healthy properties.

Sesame Seeds

Calcium deficiency can be prevented by consuming sesame seeds (up to 2 teaspoons) every day. Try various recipes with sesame or include them in your salads.


Most people haven’t heard of it, but ragi is a cereal rich in calcium. Consume ¼ cup of it and you can boost your calcium levels. You can even find ragi flour that is great for making healthy pancakes.

Fruits and Nuts

Dried apricots, dried figs, cashews and almonds are great calcium sources. For example, you can get up to 65 milligrams of calcium from two dried figs. Nuts are also rich in magnesium, helping your body in retaining and absorbing calcium.


Fish and seafood are famous for containing lots of minerals and vitamins such as iron, iodine, magnesium, B-vitamins, vitamin K and, of course, calcium. Moreover, magnesium and vitamin K will increase the bioavailability of calcium. Kelp, a sea vegetable can also replace condiments and salt and it is high in iodine and calcium. Seaweeds like wakame and kombu and fish bones are also valuable sources of calcium. If the idea of eating fish bones is not too appealing to you, you can try consuming canned fish.

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